16 January 2018

Between World Wars

Article for the questions...
Hyperinflation in post WWI Germany
     * What is hyperinflation?
     * How does it happen to a country?
     * Who was blamed for German troubles?
     *Tell me FIVE ways money was used during this time.
     * What would you do if money was worthless today?

Stock Market Crash of 1929 in USA.
     * Why did the market crash?
     * Who was affected by this?
     * How does this affect the rest of the world?
     * How does the USA get out of the depression?

Khan Academy videos to take notes on.
          Arabia after WWI
          Rise of Hitler and The Nazis
          Rise of Mussolini and Fascism

Questions to answer from the videos. Pay attention to the title the questions come from.

Readings on Google forms.

CC # 38

CC # 220

US CC # 35

US CC # 36

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